
How to Make a Mirror Image in Other Disk Partition

1. You would need to connect another Hdd and then Mirror it to this you can not mirror to the same drive, has to be same size or larger, cause if it fails you have nothing, a minimum for a server would be 1 drive mirrored.

2. Also you could install a second os in case of any issue of a software fault. You would need to configure it as if it was running so if there is a fault you reboot and keep going.

3. Look up about RAID configuration can be done with 3 drives hardware or software.I would possibly go with 3 drives and a raid controller giving a hardware solution, you can then portion a small amount for second os.

Otherwise, you can do disk mirror by automatic disk management tool. Aomei Partition Assistant is a good choice:

Download Aomei Partition Assistanthttp://www.disk-partition.com/partition-software.html
Here you can also learn more about disk management: http://www.disk-partition.com/tutorial.html

